
DPP Provides Tuition Support for Summer Preschool for Second Year, Making Year-round Preschool Funding Available to Denver Families

ACT NOW to enroll and apply for summer tuition support, space for summer preschool is limited. Denver children…

ACT NOW to enroll and apply for summer tuition support, space for summer preschool is limited. Denver children enrolled in participating DPP programs are eligible for funding.

The Denver Preschool Program (DPP) has extended tuition support through the summer months (June through August) for children enrolled at any of DPP’s quality-rated, community-based preschool programs within the City and County of Denver who will be attending kindergarten this fall. This is the second consecutive year this opportunity has been made available due to Denver voter’s approval in 2014 to increase DPP funding through Denver’s dedicated sales tax.

“We’re elated to be able to offer preschool tuition support on a year-round basis. There are many benefits for Denver’s children to continue preschool in the summer months leading up to starting kindergarten in the fall,” said Jennifer Landrum, president and CEO of DPP. “Preschool programs not only increase a child’s cognitive, social and emotional development, but also help them build confidence and experience a classroom environment, which will ease their transition into kindergarten.”

Summer preschool funding is available to parents of Denver children who are currently enrolled in DPP, as well as to children who are not currently enrolled in a DPP preschool, but plan to attend kindergarten in the fall.

Accessing Summer Tuition Support

Parents interested in enrolling their children in a summer program should contact their current preschool provider or call 303-595-4DPP. Please note that Denver Public Schools is not open in the summer; therefore, DPP funding cannot be applied.  Children attending a DPS preschool can enroll in a community-based site for the summer and use their DPP funding. Since space is limited in preschools during the summer parents are encouraged to act quickly. More information about the Denver Preschool Program and its participating preschools is available at dpp.org.

To learn more, visit our summer funding page by clicking ここ



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