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양질의 유치원의 이점: 유치원이 모든 사람에게 가치 있는 이유

The benefits of quality preschool are vast, and not just for the children who attend school–their families and…

다양한 배경을 가진 아이들과 함께한 유치원 학급 셀카 사진

The benefits of quality preschool are vast, and not just for the children who attend school–their families and communities also benefit. Numerous studies and research also show that the positive impacts of quality preschool last for generations. 

What are the benefits of high-quality preschool?

Denver Preschool Program (DPP) has been tracking and reporting on the benefits of quality preschool. From improved social-emotional development to higher math and literacy skills, children who participate in quality preschool programs experience many notable gains compared to their peers who do not attend quality preschool. Children who attend high-quality preschool are more likely to: 

  • Read earlier 
  • Graduate from high school
  • Develop better life skills, including confidence, motivation, focus, and self-discipline
  • Experience fewer behavioral issues 
  • Learn more and participate in advanced education beyond high school
  • Obtain a stable job 
  • Earn more 
  • Never be incarcerated, arrested, or participate in a violent crime 

Many families with children in quality early care and education experience less stress, reduced financial strain, and improved parent-child relationships. Families also say that being able to focus on their jobs and improving economic stability are additional benefits of having their children in quality preschool. 

Communities that invest in early education experience lower crime rates and higher workforce participation. These benefits extend across generations, as families with children in preschool are more likely to be employed, and those children are more likely to find jobs as adults. Research shows a 7-10% return when investments are made in high-quality preschools. The return is even higher at 13% when investments are made in quality early childhood education from birth to age five. 

DPP’s Why Preschool page outlines additional benefits of quality preschool.  Read more about the benefits of quality preschool in these resources:

What does quality preschool mean?

While preschool offers many benefits, the quality of preschool makes a difference. But what defines a quality preschool? Denver Preschool Program and Colorado Universal Preschool utilize the Colorado Shines Quality Rating & Improvement System (QRIS). The Colorado Shines rating system assesses all licensed child care and early education preschool providers in 5개 지역

  • Supporting children’s health and safety
  • Ensuring staff are well-trained and effective
  • Providing a supportive learning environment that teaches children new skills
  • Helping parents become partners in their child’s learning
  • Demonstrating good leadership and business practices

Colorado Shines QRIS also considers how well preschools foster positive interactions between teachers and students, the professional training offered to teachers, the classroom environment, class size and cultural sensitivity, hours of operation, and connections for health screenings and support services.

Child care and preschool providers receive a composite score from 1 to 5 with 5 being the best. The Colorado Shines rating is a symbol of quality and a starting point for early childhood care and education providers to improve upon. That means preschool providers with a lower rating still offer quality preschool but have room for improvement. While families should consider the quality rating of the preschool when they choose a preschool for their child, also keep in mind that any preschool provider working with Denver Preschool Program is receiving ongoing support to improve the quality of their program. 

To learn more about quality preschool, read these articles: 

How do you find a quality preschool?

Denver Preschool Program offers many resources for families looking for a quality preschool in the Denver area. 


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