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About Denver Preschool Program

Elevating Early Education

We are committed to strengthening and funding the early childhood experience.

Young boy with arms raised in front of preschool class


Every Denver child has equitable access to a strong foundation to thrive in kindergarten and beyond.


To transform the futures of young children and their families by strengthening and funding the early childhood experience.

Tuition Credits

DPP tuition support, funded by a city sales tax, is available to all families with 4-year-olds and with many 3-year-olds. Paid to the provider of a family’s choice, credits are determined on a sliding scale, based on income, and cover up to 100% of preschool costs for families with the most need.

Quality Initiatives

DPP works to ensure the highest quality programming of our preschool providers. We do this through a teacher-centric Quality Improvement (QI) framework that includes professional development, training and coaching, classroom materials, and financial grants.

Community Outreach

To spread awareness, DPP’s community connectors meet families where they are. We attend community events and cultural celebrations across Denver, partner with community-based organizations, and share information in more than a dozen languages.

Research and Advocacy

DPP advocates for policies that benefit early childhood education at the state and national levels. After nearly two decades of research, we know the benefits of quality preschool have long-term effects on kids, families, and communities. We are sharing this data to inspire positive change.

Preschool boy smiling at camera with girl in background

Our Values

Center in Equity

Denver Preschool Program focuses on equity internally and externally to reduce and overcome barriers to ensure equitable opportunity for all children to participate in early childhood education, and contributes to an equitably compensated early care and education workforce and workplace.

Lead Collaboratively

Denver Preschool Program works alongside others to champion, innovate, and strengthen early childhood education.

Increase Access

Denver Preschool Program combats systemic barriers so every young learner in Denver, especially those who encounter the most obstacles, has access to the benefits of quality early childhood education.

Deliver Quality

Denver Preschool Program listens to our community of families and providers to inform how we define and promote quality early childhood education and bring excellence in all aspects of our work to increase positive outcomes for Denver’s children.

Promote Choice

Denver Preschool Program ensures parents and caregivers are well informed about early childhood education options and can make the best choice for their child regardless of factors that typically restrict choice, such as income or neighborhood.

Our Story

Learn More

1990 - 2006

Early measures bring attention to early education. With relentless perseverance and a public campaign, Denver Preschool Program was founded in 2006.

2006 - 2016 

Denver Preschool Program creates infrastructure to support successful programs like tuition credits, quality improvement, and community outreach.

2016 - Present

Rooted in our proven programs, we focus on addressing gaps with innovative funding, workforce support, and legislative advocacy to improve the education system as a whole.

Featured News and Stories

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Children and teachers in a flower garden.

Celebrating César Chávez: Meaningful Ways for Your Preschooler to Honor His Legacy

César Chávez Day, celebrated each year on March 31, honors a leader who stood up for fairness and...

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Celebrating Women’s History Month: Famous Women in History for Kids, Ways to Honor Women Year-Round

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Equity in Action

Our Commitment to Equity

Our journey to center in equity extends beyond statements of commitment to action, accountability, and measurable outcomes. By prioritizing equity, we can ensure that every child in Denver has the opportunity to access high-quality preschool education and embark on a path to success.

Four preschool-aged Latina girls

DPP's Impact

After nearly 20 years of partnership and research, we know our funding and quality improvement efforts have had positive long-term outcomes for kids, families, and communities.

Our Team

Meet our amazing DPP team who dedicates their time and expertise to making preschool possible for all Denver families. Our decades of combined experience and respected knowledge elevate the early education landscape.


Read more about what’s new at Denver Preschool Program, updates in early childhood education, and exciting events and announcements. We are committed to learning, connecting, and sharing.
