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Meet Briana Gonzales, DPP’s New Preschool Navigator

Briana Gonzales recently joined the DPP team as the new Bilingual-Spanish Preschool Navigator. She comes to DPP with…

Briana Gonzales recently joined the DPP team as the new Bilingual-Spanish Preschool Navigator. She comes to DPP with a broad skill set rooted in interpersonal relationship development, resource management and communications strategy. A first-generation Colorado native, she has a passion for community connection within the areas of education, arts and culture. Her experience includes working with the Juneteenth Music Festival and nonprofit ArtistiCO Dance Company.

As DPP’s Preschool Navigator, Briana provides personalized, one-on-one support to Denver families with young children who qualify for DPP benefits. She works alongside parents and guardians to help them 1) understand the importance of a quality early childhood education, 2) find the right DPP preschool for their child and 3) apply for DPP tuition support.

In her free time, Briana enjoys spending quality time with family and friends. She is also a firm believer in being active both physically and mentally – from exploring the outdoors on a hike to strategic board games – but the dance studio is her favorite place. 

To reach Briana, email التسجيل@dpp.org.

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