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Vorstellung der 13 Strategic Data Project Fellows zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit in Vorschulsystemen

As states work to expand preschool options, leaders often face challenges in understanding how well current systems serve…

As states work to expand preschool options, leaders often face challenges in understanding how well current systems serve children and families due to data gaps. A recent Child Trends survey highlighted these difficulties in making informed decisions.

To address this, the Gates Foundation partnered with the Strategic Data Project (SDP), part of Harvard’s Center for Education Policy Research. SDP helps the education sector improve its data use for decision-making and program enhancements. Through its two-year fellowship program, SDP has trained over 570 data experts across various educational organizations.

Among the 13 fellows selected for this initiative is Cristal Cisneros, Ph.D., Denver Preschool Program’s Director of Evaluation and Impact. These fellows will use the STEP Forward with Data Framework, developed by Child Trends, to guide their analyses on key questions about preschool systems, helping to drive data-informed improvements across different regions. Cisneros’ participation underscores Denver Preschool Program’s commitment to promoting equity and effectiveness in early childhood education.

Read the official announcement from the Gates Foundation.

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