Diana Herrera
Colorado Universal Preschool Senior Program Manager
720-287-5055 x190 Contact
Diana Herrera (she/her) is a dedicated early childhood professional, administrator, and advocate. She is currently serving as the UPK Program Manager at the Denver Preschool Program. Before that, Diana was the Director of Education and Special Education at Bal Swan Children’s Center in Broomfield, a Pyramid Model Demonstration Site with a 5 diamond Colorado Shines rating. Diana also taught Guidance Strategies at UNC as an Adjunct Professor and has work experience for the local and state government as well as Head Start and the Colorado Preschool Program in an advisory role.
Diana holds an Undergraduate Degree in Early Childhood Development and has completed the Buell Early Childhood Leadership Program. She then completed her master’s degree at UC Denver in Administrative Leadership and Policy Studies with an Early Childhood Education/ Special Education emphasis. To further her understanding of research Diana is in the process of completing her Doctoral Degree at CU Denver’s Leadership for Educational Equity program with an emphasis on ECE/ECSE. Diana is particularly interested in researching early childhood inclusivity and culturally competent practices, especially as they relate to social-emotional learning. In her spare time, Diana is busy with her 5 children, one of which is an aspiring ECE teacher. She loves to read and write and hang out with her children and husband at home.
More About Diana
- Hometown: St. Ingbert, Germany
- Education: Diana holds an Undergraduate Degree in Early Childhood Development and has completed the Buell Early Childhood Leadership Program. She then completed her master’s degree at UC Denver in Administrative Leadership and Policy Studies with an Early Childhood Education/ Special Education emphasis. To further her understanding of research Diana is in the process of completing her Doctoral Degree at CU Denver’s Leadership for Educational Equity program with an emphasis on ECE/ECSE. Diana is particularly interested in researching early childhood inclusivity and culturally competent practices, especially as they relate to social-emotional learning.
- First Job: Flight Attendant
- What do you do in your spare time: I am a huge reader. I read 50-60 books per year
- What do you like best about living in Denver: The sunshine!
- Favorite song to sing in the car: I listen to audiobooks
- Weirdest thing you have ever eaten: sharkfin soup
- Childhood nickname: Jutschi
- Favorite subject in school: language arts
- What did you want to be when you grew up: a journalist
- If you were a crayon, what color would you be: any shade of purple- my favorite color!