Cristal Cisneros, Ph.D. (she/ella) was born and raised in NW Indiana and is a first-generation Mexican and former head-start student who knows first-hand how important quality preschool is for our youngest learners. She received her doctorate in education focusing on environmental racism and its impact on students of color utilizing Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality as theoretical frameworks. She wore a variety of hats in tearly childhood education including teaching, home-visitation, infant supervisor, mentor-coach, community liaison, administration, and specialist for Denver Public Schools.
In her spare time, she is usually outside taking up space with her golden retriever, Ghosty, and pitbull rescue, Canelo, doing typical Colorado activities. She has yet to climb a 14’er, but plans to do that this summer (maybe). She loves coffee, gardening, hiking and taking wonderful naps in the Colorado sunshine. She feels like she’s just started a new chapter in el movimento as an advocate and activist; She is excited to continue deconstructing systems of oppression so that all of our youngest learners have equitable access to high quality early childhood education.
More about Cristal
- Hometown: Gary, Indiana
- Education: Doctorate in Educational Equity from CU Denver
- First job: Corn Detasseling
- What do you do in your spare time: Hiking
- What do you like best about living in Denver: Access to the Mountains
- Favorite song to sing in the car: Corridos
- Weirdest thing you have ever eaten: Not sure
- Childhood nickname: CC
- Favorite subject in school: Gym
- If you were a crayon, what color would you be: Pink