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Hỗ trợ sức khỏe tinh thần của nhà giáo dục

DPP has been actively listening to the needs of our diverse educators. One recommendation DPP has received from our…

Cô giáo da đen ngồi cùng bàn với một nữ sinh.

DPP has been actively listening to the needs of our diverse educators. One recommendation DPP has received from our annual educator survey is the need for affinity spaces to support the mental health of educators.  DPP is pleased to promote Resilient Futures and Lyons Educational Consulting’s 2024-2025 Black Educator Wellness Cohort.

The Black Educator Wellness Cohort is a free year-long program of support for educators who identify as Black, African American, and African Descendants of Enslaved People living in the Denver Metro Area. These trauma-informed healing spaces are places for participants to explore and process thoughts, feelings, and emotions related to their racial identity and racialized experiences that occur both at work and in their personal lives. Healing sessions focus on Black resilience, Black racial healing, and Black finesse. They are places to restore wholeness so that participants can experience joy, gratitude, and hope in their educator roles. There is a stipend, breakfast, and lunch will be provided.

Nộp đơn tại đây: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejtTA3XzmY_1WdiKArBGh_KyBrfZMPlf-ZcNq8N-nBrFnutA/viewform

Để biết thêm thông tin, vui lòng liên hệ: Tiến sĩ Eleonora Cahill (eleonora.cahill@resilientfutures.us) hoặc Tiến sĩ Asia Lyons (asia@lyonseducationalconsulting.com)

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